Controversele din jurul companiei Inditex – The controversies surrounding Inditex – Les controverses autour d’Inditex

Controversele din jurul companiei Inditex Multinaționala de modă Inditex Group este una dintre cele mai importante companii la nivel global în acest domeniu, fiind și societatea mamă a unor branduri celebre precum Zara, Massimo Dutti, Pull&Bear, Stradivarius sau  Bershka. Din păcate, în pofida numelor de marcă pe care le produce și reprezintă această societate, respectul …


Gesica’s International Lawyers Congress 2024

We would like to announce the participation of Mr. Bogaru at the 2024 Gesica’s International Lawyers Congress in Brussels, Belgium.   Between very interesting topics were: “The digitization of justice will be built in Brussels…..with lawyers”  speech given by the 1st Vice-President of the Council of European Bar Associations,  Mr. Thierry WICKERS, highlighting the importance …


New headquarter in Geneve/ Nouvel siège à Genève/ Noul sediu in Geneva

English The International Law Firm “Bogaru Christian” (BCHLAW), headquartered in Geneva and with offices in Bucharest, announces the expansion of the Swiss structure and the relocation of the Swiss headquarters to a new central location, located at: 22, Rue du Général-Dufour, 1204 Geneva. The firm, which has been in existence on the Swiss market for …


Emergency Ordinance No. 20/2022 – Legal measures on providing support and humanitarian assistance to citizens from the zone of armed conflict in Ukraine / Ordonnance d’urgence n° 20/2022 – Mesures juridiques relatives à la fourniture d’un soutien et d’une aide humanitaire aux citoyens de la zone de conflit armé en Ukraine / Ordonanța de Urgență nr. 20/2022 – Măsuri legale privind acordarea de sprijin şi asistenţă umanitară cetățenilor proveniţi din zona conflictului armat din Ucraina

EN: Emergency Ordinance No. 20/2022 – Legal measures on providing support and humanitarian assistance to citizens from the zone of armed conflict in Ukraine  Emergency Ordinance no. 20/2022 on the amendment and completion of some normative acts, as well as for the establishment of some measures of support and humanitarian assistance, which aims to regulate …


Is the Ukraine conflict leading towards a new monetary order? / Conflit en Ukraine : vers un nouvel ordre monétaire ? / Conflictul din Ucraina: către o nouă ordine monetară?/

Is the Ukraine conflict leading towards a new monetary order?   In response to its isolation from international trade in dollars, Russia is accelerating the adoption of the yuan and cryptocurrencies in its transactions. A diversification that could spread and raise questions about the potential end of dollar hegemony. Is there any risk that the …

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